Thiamine (vitamin B1)


Thiamine is also known as vitamin B1 (97) and is essential in carbohydrate metabolism and oxidation (98). The reported effect that have been found includes, a decrease in heart rate, blood glucose and lactate concentrations (99).


97 – Webster, M. J., Scheett, T. P., Doyle, M. R., & Branz, M. (1997). The effect of a thiamin derivative on exercise performance. European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology, 75(6), 520-524.

98 – Davis, R. E., & Icke, G. C. (1983). Clinical chemistry of thiamin. Advances in clinical chemistry, 23, 93.

99 – Knippel, M., Mauri, L., Belluschi, R., Bana, G., Galli, C., Pusterla, G. L., . & Troina, E. (1986). The action of thiamin on the production of lactic acid in cyclists. Med Sport, 39(1), 11.